Friday, March 9, 2007

Double GOOD NEWS. Alhamdulillah!

As Salaamu alaykum,
Firstly, Brother Jawazah has offered to buy DW a laptop so that we will be able to do on-the-spot editing. Mashaa Allah make du'ah for the brother as we make du'ah for the Ummah.

Secondly, OUR MASJID (Within a 1-mile radius) is complete. DW-Team met after Jumu'ah & advised me on a couple points. I immediately went home & made the appropriate adjustments.

All in all, the video was unanimously liked. I pray Allah (swt) that you all enjoy as well. Inshaa Allah, the video should be uploaded in a couple of hours. Gotta take the wife out to eat first.

1 comment:

Mahdi Ahmad said...

As salaamu `alaikum,

Alhamdulillah, I am happy to hear that. Give my salaams to Jawazah and I hope to see you all guys soon back in SA!

Insha Allah the video will enlighten and awaken the minds of people. Keep up the good work!