Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I'm Just Saying ( A new series to appear on my personal blog)

As Salaamu alaykum,
I'm Just Saying (IJS) will be complicated, controversial, & often fully emotional. I will blast out on topics such as the homosexual agenda, "Prislam" (prison Islam), fake War on terror, ect... These are scheduled to appear on my personal blog I will link them here on DawahWorks but beware! These videos are not designed to make friends.

First up: MY NEIGHBORHOOD: (Within a 1-Mile radius of our Masjid). ETA 1 week from today Inshaa Allah.

Monday, February 26, 2007

New Look Coming Soon (Inshaa Allah)

As Salaamu alaykum,
Brother J-Ansari has offered to design a navigation page for DawahWorks, Alhamdulillah! There are a variety of ideas on paper & in our minds that demand organization. Not everyone likes everything so we aim to accommodate. We also do not want to be defined by any one video. Stand-Up, comedic skits, educational entertainment, Muslim artists (Nasheed, poetry, rap, etc...), deserve their own pages so that potential viewers may navigate toward their tastes. Agree? New Design ETA 2 weeks, Inshaa Allah...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Muxlim got it!!!

Assalamu Aleikom akhi,
Jazak Allah Khair for the video. As soon as Muxlim.tv is launched you will be sent your login details to start contributing your videos EnshaAllah. The pilot is normally released to the public and the public decides whether the show runs or not.
Jazak Allah Khair again and looking forward to your contribution to Muxlim.tv.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Believer's STAND-UP: performed by SaadImam

 As salaamu alaykum,
My very first stand-up with all original material. Some jokes are readily understood by Muslims but most are faith-neutral. I plan to do more bi-idhnillah. Please be kind but honest in your comments so that I may improve.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Usamah 2: Where Art Thou?

As Salaamu alaykum,

Alhamdulillah we have completed the editing of Usamah2: Where Art Thou. As with #1 this video is not free of mistakes. We are still experimenting with chroma-key (green screen). We pray that you enjoy this video & please leave comments so that we may improve our projects WITH YOUR HELP. Please comment and rate the video on YouTube