Friday, May 11, 2007

IJS PRISLAM (To be Muslim in prison)


Anonymous said...

Very funny ending !Seems this only applies to inmates.

Anonymous said...

man I"ve been waiting for this one for sometime very informative and funny with the benny hill music, man and that was real funny seeing kareem grab you he looked like a timid lemur grabbing a tiger ha ha!!!! nothing but respect for you big Sief, stall em out abu Idris!! lol ma sha Allah man you guy's are getting really good keep it up Muslim's!!! Salamun Alekum Wa Ramatullahi Wa Barakatahu


Seems a lot of non-inmates got the message. Maybe you should review it or have someone explain the intent behind it to you.
It was a view into how Islam is understood & practiced in prison... not a message to prisoners. Lol!

Anonymous said...

Yeah ,I suppose some non-inmates did get it but some do get out of prison so I guess they would get it.Still remains that it does seem to only apply to jail bird brothers , high fliers , iron cup and rail musicians , chalk lines on the wall makers. Seems like you got offended. No intent to make you mad just that me and my pals who saw this never been to jail or are in situations to ever be there.
So this muslim that won't apply. I would say this , more bros are needed to go there and teach proper practice and sift through the BS. If That happens man you guys mission was done.Again very funny but, if you are talking about islam shouldn't some of your stuff be a little more serious?


No need to go "Miss Cleo on me", I am not offended by an opinion. Al Adillah (The evidences) shapes the believer.
We at DawahWorks are addressing "WWW" as demographic. We don't produce videos to please any one, but to address everyone that comprehends. & if it don't apply... let it fly.