Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Express News: 90% correct & still not "A" material

As Salaamu alaykum,
As expected the San Antonio Express News ran an article about the recent MSA @ UTSA & DawahWorks "Collab gone ca putts".
The article featured in the metro section "B" was titled SATIRE IN VIDEO ON ISLAM UPSETS. Also as expected, it was spunn like beyond even what SpiderMan had seen. So what I tried to kill a man in my jahillee??? Haven't we all? LOL!!! (More bad humor)
Terms like "harassing women & Jews" (plural) are more believable now that the video is down. The staff writer, Melissa Ludwig writes, "SaadImam NOW SAYS the segment was meant as a joke." When did I ever imply it wasn't a joke? I have no journalism training or natural skills & the video is evidently lighthearted. The Jew actually initiated dialogue by passing through & commenting that "QUR'AAN IS WRONG". (Amazingly she left THAT PART out of her article).
Furthermore, the Jew came back like 3 times & practically hung around while we interviewed many others. That's how he was still there after I had interviewed the uncovered sister. He noticeably was enjoying himself the whole while.
Situations such as these are OPPORTUNITIES to dialogue & refute myths, not to denounce Muslims & run & hide in caves. Remember, Muhammad (saw) went to the cave BEFORE the wahi (revelation), not after...
93:7 And He found thee wandering, and He gave thee guidance.
وَوَجَدَكَ ضَالًّا فَهَدَى
After the wahi there was work to be done.
I do apologize to my beloved brothers & sisters of the MSA @ UTSA for the distraction. My intentions again were to show Muslims themselves as well as show how non-Muslims understand & view us. We all know the videos were "way funny" & well-liked UNTIL... May Allah (swt) widen our chests.
Read the article yourself.

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