Sunday, June 10, 2007


First of a 2-part series dealing with the 2nd-wife issue.


Bilqis said...

as salaamu alikum
nice video clip. i'm not too sure about some of the things the sisters said (a husband has to ask his wife's permission to take on another wife), but in this day and age where people like to think that HIV/AIDS is a joke a husband NEEDS to tell his wife before he marrys another woman, and that woman needs to be tested for HIV/AIDS and other STD's before he marrys her. This is a very serious issue. All people should be tested for HIV/AIDS before marriage. If a husband fails to do this I believe it is within the womans right to get a divorce as he is negligently putting her and her children at risk for disease. As the sisters stated, if a man is following the sunnah of our beloved, and using common sense and courtesy, while treating all wives and potential wives with love and respect, things will be fine insha'Allah. Few woman want polygyny, but I do believe most can handle it if the man handles it well.
Wa salaam alaikum

Nsenga A. Knight, Artist said...

As salaam alaikum,
MashaAllah, thank you for your efforts. I hope you interviewed other people because the people you chose to interview for this piece are not expressing real knowledge about the issue. You should interview women in polygynous marriages to give us insight into the issue from a knowledgeable, experiential standpoint. Please put in the effort required to d justice to this issue. May Allah help you in your efforts.


Wa alaykum As Salaam,
What is legal in Islam is not always so with the kuffar. It is not our intention, nor is it wise to "expose" any bros or sisters to criminal prosecution in order to "balance" this issue. These were random sisters giving their view on this issue. I'm sure you understand. This was part 1 of 2, & the knowledge, inshaa Allah, will be conveyed in part 2. I havent had time to film part 2 as of yet (work). Inshaa Allah I will attempt to film, edit, & upload it by Friday or the weekend. Make du'a for us. Stay tuned :D

Anonymous said...

as-salaamu alaikum

The sisters gave good responses alhamdu'lillah. As for getting sisters in those positions comments you will get sisters that are "for" and some that are "against". Them giving their experienced based "opinion" may only enhance how the reader already feels about the matter.

Thier experience is no indication the readers future will be similar.
Like the sisters said; If the brother is strong in iman and of good,fair character that will have a major affect on the whole situation. If the "brother" is deep in dunya and muslim by name only and the sisters(and thier wali) know this then Allahu'' sho' :)

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you Makeda! Unfortunately some brothers really abuse the whole polgyny thing. Many brothers realistically speaking do not have the means to really be undertaking such a role and should give it much more thorough thought than what some of them do. To be honest it gives those brothers who practice it correctly a bad name & makes other individuals think of polgyny in a negative light.

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu

I think it is wonderful you are addressing this topic. I feel personally that it is very misunderstood by a lot of people. I really love hearing what other sisters have to say about this.

I would also love to see what the brothers think of it. If we sisters could see what they are really thinkig it might make us feel alot less insecure about it. I know a lot of sisters I have spoken to in the past have brought up the subjuect of poygyny as a source of embarassment and have felt like it would mean there husands got tired of them, and after neglecting or dissregarding them for years and years, became bored and traded then in for a younger model. They feel like it s a slap in the face.

Please interview some brothers. We all want to hear what they think.


As Salaamu alaykum,
I totally agree w/ you about relaying the Brother's point of view. However, brother's may feel intimidated by their wives to be truly candid in their responses. To remedy this, what do you think if I gather their points of view & relay them in a video? I also (wink) have an "experience" in this regard that I could convey... Lots of experience, lots of info :D