Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The DEENFATHER delayed until this weekend

As Salaamu Alaykum,
In Order to put out the best product possible for DW we decided to delay The DeenFather until this weekend so that Abu Idris can add some voice-overs when he visits San Antonio in a couple days. We apologize for the delay.
In the meantime check out this SWEET graphic J-Ansari hooked up.


Anonymous said...

Asalam Alaykum Brothers,
Why did you choose that type of design for the deen father? Did you notice that the hand is holding a crucifix?


Wa alaykum As Salaam,
Alhamdulillah that you are a believer guarding your Deen from your post.
Yaa akhee, These are called "Control Bars" which may be 2 seperate parallel sticks or crossed-sticks. There is also control cards that the fingers would fit into.
We are not above mistake & this matter had been researched mashaa Allah(ta). If you have any further info please forward it & we will make the appropriate changes. J-Ansari could make these changes fast (inshaa Allah) if needs be.
On the funnier side: One time a bro came in the Masjid "high as a chinese kite: talking 'bout there were "faces" on the prayer rug...Lol!!!

Anonymous said...

That "cross" is a standard puppet control bar, like brother Saad Imam said. In other words, it is used to control the movements of a puppet. That's why the "cross" has lines coming down. Those lines, in this case, connect to a bunch of text. There is some symbolism involved there in it's placement...70 excuses akhi...70 excuses.

BTW..Dawah Works rocks!!!...sorry, sorry, I mean...Dawah Works is very, very, very good and informative.

Anonymous said...

Asalam Alaykum Brother,

My apology, I didn’t realize it was something to hold the puppet. Sorry for misunderstanding. Barakah Allhau feekom.

SaadImam said...

Was Salaamu alaykum,
Always inquire & question. From the scholar to the follower we all need a reminder. (hey that rhymes).
DawahWorks is one of many dawah tools. You believers (& non-believers) make it snap.
Shukran once more.