i was in the Missing hijab and the jew
It is so horrible how 1 video created so much hate
even satire can cause hate
i hope no one at your misjad was harassed especially you
when you first did the interview i did not understand your satire later as I hanged out with your group i learned and realized that you use satire a lot
this fact resulted in a lot of hate as a result of people not thinking you were using satire people thought you actually were harassing me next time be more careful with your satire as people make take you seriously
p.s. next time better blame it on the scientologists
That doesn't look like the diction of a college student. An ex-convict convert of Islam maybe, but not a college student.
I totally agree. It would seem that he typed very fast & didn't bother to spell check. I didn't feel justified in correct "his" message. & By the way... well educated white folks also go to prison (often more cushy prisons where they do little time for "higher" crime)
I'm Just Saying!
I liked your first two videos with the MSA and everyone I shared them with seemed to like them as well. Sorry it seemed to get out of hand. I shared them with an online community of Muslims and one did bring up a very good point. Everyone said we believed in Jesus, but then they had no idea who we prayed to. He said it would mean we have gotten very apologetic about Islam and our beliefs and not actually explaining what Islam actually is.
I know many college students who when they are in a hurry tend to write that exact same way - so throwing in the whole ex-con convert of Islam, just is a low blow. "Anonymous" obviously doesn't really know Saadimam personally & if they did they would never be throwing that around.
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