Sunday, April 15, 2007

The DeenFather 1


Anonymous said...

Asalamu Alaikum,

Very good...I like it!

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa wooooooo !!!! That was the funniest one yet ! You gotta do a battle video with the guard . Man , I was crying . Matter of fact , I'm going to watch it again!

Anonymous said...

Asalam alaikum,


Anonymous said...

You guys got a video on Ummah Films my space page ; you need to tell them to remove it. It's bad , real bad . Bad music , bad editing , out of scenc. I only recognized saad imam and thought why would they let someone put this nonsense up when they have good stuff like the DeenFather? Man that video is bad like old scrambled eggs ; wet runny eggs.
Again , like I said in a earlier anon post, "I'm going to watch it again". I love that battle. I love the part when the cross-eyed guard goes in for the attack and gets stopped by the DeenFather.


Lol! I don't think that is UmmahFilms myspace. Brother Mahdi begged me to edit that video for him & after almost 4 months I gave in. I agree it's Doo-Doo. Not the regular kind but the kind with corn & peanuts ect... Well you get the picture. I'ma delete it now from Youtube but he has already embedded it... Shukran for the advice.
Was Salaamu alaykum

Anonymous said...

I'd like to remain "anano moose".
GOLD!!! lol

Anonymous said...

Salamu 'alaykum akhee,

Would have been better if there was no music.

May Allaah reward you for your efforts, when I read you are putting effort into making halal entertainment, I was just suprised to see music and dancing in the "deenfather" video.

Please read this fatwa....

Try and see if there is a way of giving dawah without the music and dancing. Jazaak Allaah khayr.

Your brother in Islam,

Was-salamu 'alakum.


As Salaamu alaykum,
I greatly appreciate your concerns. However, we do not hold the same view of the total impermissibility of music. If music was totally haram then it would not be allowed ever (not even at an Eid). If singing is haram then Rasoolullah (saw) would have not listened to Aisha & another young woman sing in his room in his (saw) presence.
As for the hadeeth mentioning Zina, silk, alcohol, & musical instruments... all 4 must be done at same time because each individual matter must have its own hukm (ruling) to be considered haraam by itself. Zina is always haram with no rukhsah (temporary exclusion). Silk is not haram for women (or men with skin desease). Alcohol is haram with a rukhsah of daroorah (compulsion of extreme thirst). Musical instruments were allowed in Madinah (where Muhammad (saw) had the power to ban it) & played in public but not banned by Rasoolullah (saw). And this can be found in that He (saw) only covered His (saw) ears & did not instruct Ibn Abbas (ra) to do so.
Remember: Rasoolullah (saw) never ALLOWED haram to exist under His (saw) authority...
Inshaa Allah (ta) if I am wrong then please correct me so we both may be correct.
As for dancing... Aisha (ra) was allowed to watch the Abisinians dance & play & sport in the Masjid. To my modest understanding, there is no ban on dancing all together.
Wallahu A'lam.

Anonymous said...

Another case of someone trying to out-prophet-the prophet (saw). Hey!
That would be a gooooooood subject for a skit! You have a action the prophet (saw) does ( as he does it ), then show what the muslims do on their own.The key words is on their own ; you know how we are.
Islam is to be practical in our daily lives throughout ALL TIME.
Bros keep islam back 1500 years because they take all things literal. I bet if there was an unfinished hadith that just said " the prophet said don't do " some muslims would stop all actions ; just cut themselves off.I'm sorry these things are taboo to some cats . Maybe I'll say something oddball. Hey bro , I got this kicktail chocolate want some I'll take it to ya later . hahahahahahahahaha , whatever

Anonymous said... how does one take stuff figuratively anon?

Anonymous said...

Some things read in hadith can mean anything wheres the meening of the text is not deffinite.In such cases one must ASK someone who is knowledgable or do stronger research if they have no one to ask. Not just improperly perform an action without knowing the circumstances of what you read ( which so many of us do ).Thus someone trying to out prophet the Prophet (SAW) you've seen those bros who are healthy mentaly and physicaly and just go from masjid to masjid with no money or income ; just a desire to sit with the muslims. Very pious bros , very good bros , but why are you not trying to take care of yourself or your family ( because some of these bros have their families along with them )? You've heard the story of the bro in the tower praying night and day constantly and come to find he will be among the first to be thrown into the hell fire. I hope the evidence gave you was sufficient and I apollogize for my arogant remark but yet and still before advise like you gave ( other anon April 24 @ 7:07 pm )maybe you should research the topic FULLY.

Anonymous said...

That was retaaaarded. =////////////////////////////////////////////////////////