Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Saturday, October 20, 2007

DW to produce Drama Series (3Days 2Nights)

As Salaamu alaykum,
I have observed sundry individuals strive to produce Tomorrow Never Comes & I recently took part in Mahdi Ahmad's film Going Up North in LA.
I talk a big game in that I feel the simplest projects are made difficult by factors such as too many technical minds to individuals with desire & no skill.
I admit I'm dumber than a "bow of smooth rocks" but let me announce to you a project that I have had in mind for less than a week now that I will take from start to finish without a lot of technical delay or lack of realistic vision.
I announce to you a DawahWorks production series; 3Days 2Nights. This series will be total drama-education dealing with the unity of our Ummah under a single leader which emanates from our Islamic Aqeedah (creed). We will present all the evidences for how & why this is our most vital issue. The method & rules of electing leadership will be openly displayed for Muslims & non-Muslims alike.
No comedy here. Drama is the word.
As of now I am...
Sub-finalizing a pilot script to present publicly for advice
Seeking someone to design the blog for this movie
Casting 4 main characters (1 Arab, Pakistani/Indian, Caucasian, & Black) & many extras
(After casting main characters) organizing a photo shoot for blog design purposes
Insha Allah from start to finish I will request advice & help from the Ummah (& even non-Muslims) to get this project pilot complete.
I will assume command & direct the finalized pilot script.
Soon, Insha Allah, I will present the pilot "3Days 2Nights (Most Vital issue) Episode 1

Thursday, October 18, 2007

10-17-07 Day 7 of G.U.N.

As Salaamu alaykum,
I've decided to post my final update on my final full day here in LA filming G.U.N. We arrived @ Mahdi's job w/ intentions of filming the final 2 scenes. I was informed that a brother named Salih would take part in the film, therefore we would have to wait til 8:30pm to shoot these last 2 scenes. Cool! I convinced Mahdi to have an unscripted debate about what we had debated several times previously. I spent the bulk of my day "loosely" editing this debate for viewing. I didn't get much of anything else done. After leaving Mahdi's job we returned to the apt. to wait for Salih. Shortly after I was informed that Salih couldn't make it. We subsequently shot the closing scenes with a whole different caste. Alhamdulillah it's over. I had to make a closing statement in this film because the director ordered me to. Lol! Ice Cream & Cookie sandwiches for all afterwards.
Day & trip summary:
The area these brothers are in is in no way condusive to living Islamically. Grown men with no life focus or plan living amongst unruley & wild college students. Whole groups of Muslims engaging in open immorality & drunkiness & NOT ONE is a voice of reason or dhikr. Brothers leaving "strickter" salafi communities to let loose & hoot & hollar @ half-naked drunk white girls. Brothers adopting the "lessor of 2 evils" philosophy in order to justify dating & many other evils. Some whom I initially began greeting, I felt no need to continue greeting. You pray Fajr while others look @ you silly... Na'oodhubillah min dhalik!
I greatly miss hearing my youngest son call to me "daddy, come here" when he awakens each morning. I pray Allah (swt) that is not lost... I greatly miss my other beautiful kids & lovely sweet wife Ricole. Lastly I regret missing that Dallas Cowboy & New England Patriots Monday night game. Lol! Make du'ah I return safe.
Was Salaamu alaykum

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Dawah or Nasihah... Huh? 1 of 2

Dawah or Nasihah... Huh? 2 of 2

10-16-07 Day 6 of G.U.N.

As Salaamu alaykum,
Alhamdulillah! Received good news this morning that my wife passed her LVN exam. Mabrook habibatee. Maasha Allah the day has started well.
Ate @ IHop before heading to Mahdi's job. Shot a short scene for G.U.N. 1 & done takes are not my deal. They are an editing nightmare for me. I have yet to meet the editor of this film but he would have to be a genious to make G.U.N. look like more than a rambling dialogue turn monolithic.
Did some editing on me & ISA's future collab on the uniqueness of Islam.
Shot yet another scene with a few "new" bros... I acted as camera man...
Went to Diddy Reese for an Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich (yummy). Don't worry! The ice cream was slaughtered Halaal.
Day summary:
Best day yet for G.U.N. but I didn't do as much as planned for DawahWorks. Tomorrow is last full day in LA. Alhamdulillah! Insha Allah, wife & kids here I come.

Dawah or Nasihah... Huh?

As Salaamu alaykum,
Mahdi of UmmahFilms & I had many debates. One such debate that I thought would be beneficial for our viewers was concerning Dawah (inviting to Islam) & Nasihah (sincere advice). I decided to set up in a informal manner & present this argument for the viewers to decide. Please leave your comments.
Remember, this is not an issue of who wins but that we all grow in understanding. Yameen? Ameen!
InshaAllah, video should be up today... Stay tuned.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

10-15-07 Day 5 of G.U.N.

As Salaamu alaykum,
Chatted w/ online friends from U.K. to Morocco... haven't really spoken w/ them in days. Mahdi left for work but I neglected to go. Hung out w/ Khalil & Yahya... had late breakfast @ IHop... prayed Dhuhr @ Masjid Fahad... dropped of Khalil... went for Yahya's oil change... Yahya & I walked & talked about the Islamic concepts on many issues as well as G.U.N. I learned that Yahya was away for a friend's mom's Janazah was supposed to play a major role in G.U.N. I also learned that there was initial enthusiasm that had subsequently died. The culprit was a lack of organization of resources & people. UCLA has abundant resources but, as of yet, none have been utilized. THE MEASURE OF A LEADER IS IN HIS ABILITY TO UTILIZE HIS SOLDIERS.
We picked up Khalil once more then went to the mall to exchange Yahya's hat & capped it off sitting in a massage chair. Stopped @ Diddy Reese to get a famous cookie ice cream sandwich. Arrived back @ the apt. found Mahdi updating the G.U.N. blog.
Day summary:
Tomorrow, after 8pm looks more promising. Another character is supposed to take part in G.U.N. along w/ Yahya & maybe Khalil. I now have hopes that this film may look slightly better than me following Mahdi w/ an expensive camera. On the darker side, I don't see it appearing as "movie-ish" unless better filler scenes are shot to add "flava" to what could be "plain rice".
For those who wonder why I haven't taken over this project yet... EVER HEAR OF TOUGH LOVE"??? Just call me
"Da camra mann"

Monday, October 15, 2007

10-14-07 Day four of G.U.N.

As Salaamu alaykum,
Have yet to meet co-producer Khalil. Had early lunch w/ Mahdi & a Turkish brother. I decided to film there conversation which may be subsequently "ADDED" to the G.U.N. film. Went to Bel Air camera & Video to purchase an extended battery for my camcorder since I was scammed thru Ebay in regards to a 4 hour battery & package deal. Planned to film a scene for G.U.N. @ Mahdi's apts. walking down some stairs talking. Ended up filming the scene @ UCLA. Went quite well besides there was only one take. But hey! I ain't the director or producer nor part of the 24p HDV post production . Because there is no enthusiasm or help w/ G.U.N. the scene was basically me following Mahdi, while holding a camera & talking. If only camera phones shot 24p HDV, I would be back in San Antonio harassing jews & uncovered sisters... Lol!
Finally I met Khalil... he's admittedly not co-producing G.U.N. He says he offered professional advice that was overlooked so he decided to "bounce"... understood. Nite scenes are planned... No night scenes shot. Possible dawah w/ Khalil @ UCLA tomorrow, Insha Allah.
Day summary:
No actually directing is happening. I'm no pro director but I have vision that I translate into video. Need I say I feel I have wasted my time & money. No enthusiasm no help... My wife & kids are the best. I cannot wait to return to my family. Bi-Idh-Nillah

10-13-07 Day three of G.U.N.

As Salaamu alaykum,
Attempted breakfast at IHop, settled for a coffee & cinnamon roll. Mahdi & I debated Da'wah vs. Nasihah... no conclusion there. I walked up Compton Bl. looking for props for my planned IJS videos. With nothing to do on a Saturday I decided to tape a portion of me & Brother Isa's IJS collab video Choosing Submission. I felt a bit productive today Alhamdulillah. After Mahdi's work we dropped Br. Zahid in the O.C.
Day summary:
Saturday was lost. Feeling like a ghetto! Spoke to some of the bros... no enthusiasm, no anticipation, no help for this G.U.N. film. There is always Sunday.

10-12-07 Day two of G.U.N.

As Salaamu alaykum wa Eid Mubarak! Today is officially Eid & as is often, many American Muslim "leaders" got is wrong & chose to seperate from the Ummah as "Americans" Scene: Yawmul Qiyamah.. "Yaa Allah, but we were Americans". BLAH!
Anyways... As I was making Takbir Ihram I noticed a Budha statue on a table to my left. I inquired about the "owner". All denied & had a heartly laugh. Now I'm p*ssed. I didn't appreciate to shirk for one, & the residual laughter didn't help any. Now "Mr. Budha" is outside in the dirt. Breakfast at McDonalds (to show my love for israel... NOT!) Asked for no meat, got bacon (Yummy... NOT!). Again received a "side-ways, right-on, fist pump" from some dude who followed it up with an "As Salaamu alaykum". Attempted a 1:15 pm Jumu'ah @ Masjid Ar-Rasheed in Compton that was closed due to Eid. Allahu Akbar! Mahdi works from 10 am to 7 pm with not much filming opportunities in between.
Keep in mind this is NOT a DawahWorks collab or produced or direct film...
Shot some filler scenes on Mahdi's lunch break. Attempted 1st G.U.N. take of an ad hoc conversation between Mahdi & I from a tri-pod. Didn't go so well due to no script & no segway to the main subject matter. I didn't enjoy an actual Eid. I was enformed toward the end of the day that Saturday's shoot was cancelled. Saturday is one of 2 crucial days. Once I'm gone, I'm gone. Camera & all. Holla!
Day summary:
Starting to look as if it is ONLY Mahdi & I in this film. No one to even hold the camera. Not sure if all I was told was on the up & up. Missing family like crazy. Wife says I'm on punishment when I return home.

10-11-07 Day one of G.U.N.

As Salaamu alaykum,
Discussed with Mahdi the missed promotional opportunities. No media day planned. No Q & A for such an "anticipated" film. Can you say, "Deja vue"? Left @ 10:30 for my 12:20pm flight. Arrived in LA 1:20pm. Picked up by Mahdi 2:00pm. Arrived @ Mahdi's job off of Compton Bl. & decided to walk around. Immediately to guys driving by gave me the "side ways, right-on, fist pump". This was maybe due to my beard & kufi. (The kufi has become associated w/ Islam & Muslims but is actually an assumed matter). Broke fast 6:30pm. Ate @ In & Out Burger near UCLA. Place of stay located on Frat Row... noisey! Drunk rich kids everywhere. Alahmdulillah after Thursday the chaos subsides a bit. Met with Muslim bros & did some da'wah. 1st scheduled shooting is tomorrow, Friday, 10-12-07.
Day summary:
Not as much enthusiasm by MSA @ UCLA as hyped. Have yet to meet Khalil (co-producer).

Going Up North by day.

As Salaamu alaykum,
I couldn't decide how to document my trip to LA for Mahdi's (directing & producing debut) Goin Up North (hereafter referred to as G.U.N.). I decided to go with text. My frustrations are better expressed by "banging" on this keyboard. So prepare for day one 10-11-07... Of course it is belated but I did keep a mini journal...