Wednesday, August 29, 2007


As Salaamu alaykum,
I need to get rid of a SONY DCR-TRV33 touchscreen camcorder (for FREE). Allah (swt) has again blessed DW w/ a full donation to purchase a Canon HV20 HD & I would like to extend these blessing to others by giving away my 2 remaining camcorders. 1 has been promised to Bro Isa & Tafkeer Productions & I would like to give the other to one of our viewers.
Here's what I would like to do (if you have a better idea, please let me know): I am so busy w/ family, Masjid, business, da'wah, DawahWorks, etc... Therefore I would like to set a start date like from now until the official sighting of the moon (hilal) for Ramadan for you all to compete in fishing others to subscribe to DW.
Whoever has the most confirmed "fishes" will be given this camcorder w/ free S&H. This camera was over $700 when new.
Remember when you share the videos you share the blessings.
Please offer feedback...